Przetargi i zamówienia - Gastronomia, catering, Edukacja, szkolenia - wyniki wyszukiwania

4877374 (brak danych) Προσφορά για παροχή Άδειας χρήσης καφετέριας του Νέου Νοσοκομείου Λεμεσού, ΕΝ 02/17. Προσφορά για παροχή Ά...

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4877375 (brak danych) Προσφορά για παροχή Άδειας χρήσης καφετέριας του Νέου Νοσοκομείου Λάρνακας, ΕΝ 03/17. Προσφορά για παροχή ...

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4879442 (brak danych) Préparation et distribution de repas dans le cadre d'une alimentation saine et durable pour les établissements scolaires, les pré-gardiennats et les centres récréatifs. Le présent marc...

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4912309 (brak danych) School Catering Services. Providing healthy and good quality catering services at the School.Please note that this tender falls under the regulations of the Light Touch Regime of The Public ...

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4917848 (brak danych) Servizio Bar c/o Anfiteatro Arena e Teatro Filarmonico. Servizio Bar c/o Anf. Arena e Teatro Filarmonico.

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4925157 (brak danych) Promotierecepties inclusief bediening voor UC Leuven-Limburg en Heilig-Hart Instituut Heverlee. Situering UCLL — UC Leuven-Limburg:Hogeschool UCLL biedt 18 professionele bacheloropleidinge...

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4927828 (brak danych) 857 Provision of Business Related Mentoring and Workshop Design and Facilitation Services to Nottingham Trent University ERDF Funded Programmes. Framework Agreement for Enabling Innovation a...

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4930701 (brak danych) Re-Opening of the Multi-Provider Light Touch Regime Framework Agreement for the Provision of Training for the Early Years. Norfolk County Council (‘the Council’) wishes enter into a cont...

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4955204 (brak danych) Procedura aperta finalizzata in nome proprio e per conto del soggetto aggregatore, finalizzata alla acquisizione, a lotto intero ed indivisibile, di servizi professionali di supporto nell'at...

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4968725 (brak danych) Gestione dei 2 asili nido comunali denominati «Sappusi» e «Amabilina» dell'Istituzione Marsala Schola. Servizio di gestione dei due asili nido comunali denominati «Sappusi» e «Amabili...

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4985250 (brak danych) QUB/1616/17 — Provision of Breakfast Services (Summer Period) for Accommodation Services. Queen's University Belfast provides a bed and breakfast service at its Elms Village Accommodation ...

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4985719 (brak danych) Gestión del servicio de cocina de las residencias y centro de día para gente mayor Lleida-Balàfia I y II. La gestión del servicio de cocina de las residencias y centro de día para gente...

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4988284 (brak danych) UOW583 — System for Students to obtain Book, E-Books, Equipment and Materials Including the use of Tablets. The University of Worcester is investing even more in enhancing our students' ex...

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4993601 (brak danych) PU-17-0316 — Provision of Structured Problem Solving Training. The programme of learning required is to provide a community of staff with structured problem solving methodology in 2 concur...

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5001391 (brak danych) PU-17-0316 — Provision of Structured Problem Solving Training. The programme of learning required is to provide a community of staff with structured problem solving methodology in two conc...

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5008646 (brak danych) Durchführung von Betreuungsangeboten an Ganztagsschulen. Die Stadt Eckernförde – als Auftraggeberin – sucht einen Kooperationspartner/Vertragspartner für die Durchführung von Betreuu...

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5050799 (brak danych) Gestión y explotación del servicio de bar en las zonas de público del circuito de velocidad de la Ciudad del Motor de Aragón, S.A. Servicio de gestión y explotación del servicio de bar...

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5062085 (brak danych) PU-17-0196 — Recruitment, Pay, Training and HR Services (RPT Services). The Contracting Authority is procuring the services for an integrated recruitment, payroll, HR and training service ...

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5078911 (brak danych) Łódzkie Confeção e distribuição de refeições pelo estabelecimentos de ensino do pré-escolar e do 1º ciclo e serviço de refeitório. Confeção e distribuição de refeições pelo estabelec...

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5084441 (brak danych) Ηλεκτρονικός διαγωνισμός ανοικτής διαδικασίας άνω των ορίων ανάδειξης αναδόχου για την σίτιση των φοι...

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5120643 (brak danych) Catering Services. Providing healthy and good quality catering services at Wickersley Partnership Trust's current seven primary schools and 1 of its secondary schools, with the potential to ...

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5136106 (brak danych) SUAR per conto del Comune di Bordighera — gara europea, indetta ai sensi del D.Lgs. 50/2016, per la concessione del servizio di mensa scolastica nelle scuole dell'infanzia, primarie e seco...

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4977443 (brak danych) Non-Medical (Disability) Support Services. One of the support services provided to disabled students by the University of York is the non-medical support service where support workers provid...

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5140649 (brak danych) Procedura aperta per l'affidamento in concessione del servizio di ristorazione scolastica, sociale, asilo nido periodo dal 1.9.2017 al 31.8.2022. Il presente appalto riguarda la preparazione...

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5140699 (brak danych) Servizio refezione scolastica a ridotto impatto ambientale anni scolastici 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022 e gestione servizio informatico iscrizione e prenotazione pas...

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5140706 (brak danych) Procedura aperta per l'affidamento in concessione del servizio di refezione scolastica con riscossione delle tariffe dovute dagli utenti periodo dal 15.9.2017 al 31.8.2020 (anni scolastici 2...

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5146182 (brak danych) Avviso Indagine di mercato per procedura negoziata sotto soglia, ai sensi dell'art. 36, comma 2, lett. b) del D.Lgs. n. 50 del 18.4.2016, per l'affidamento a terzi dell'esecuzione di cicli i...

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5146188 (brak danych) Contrato administrativo de servicios para la prestación del servicio educativo de las Escuelas Infantiles La Colina, El Bateo y la Chulapona del Distrito de Barajas, con servicio de desayun...

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5146233 (brak danych) Prestación del servicio educativo de la escuela infantil «Hiedra», sita en la c/ Amposta, s/n, con servicio de desayuno, comida y merienda que incorporen productos de comercio justo. Pres...

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5146236 (brak danych) Prestación del servicio educativo de la escuela infantil «La del Manojo de Rosas», sita en la c/ Rávena, nº 12, con servicio de desayuno, comida y merienda que incorporen productos de c...

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