Przetarg 5095430 - Scape Regional Construction Framework. Scape wishes to...

Analizuj Zamówienie 5095430
źródło Biuletyn Unijnych Zamówień Publicznych (TED)
data publikacji 2017-04-28
przedmiot ogłoszenia
Scape Regional Construction Framework.
Scape wishes to establish a framework agreement for use by or on behalf of public sector bodies (and their respective statutory successors and organisa
tions created as a result of re-organisations or organisational changes). Applications are invited from experienced providers of construction (building) works and services who can provide high quality works and services using a customer focused approach particularly in the public sector. It is anticipated that the works and services will be provided by the providers themselves and/or through their supply chain. No consortia bids will be accepted and in the case of group companies again only one bid will be accepted from either the group company or one of subsidiaries, but not both. The specific works and services that may be procured under the Framework cannot be clearly defined at this stage, however the nature and types of works that may be required may include those services identified by CPV code on or in connection with any land or property and related asset owned, rented, leased or developed by any of the public sector bodies eligible to use the Framework or on property or related assets in which any of the public sector bodies may have an interest at the time or prospectively and may include projects in the following sectors, amongst others: — education, housing, social care, leisure, libraries, blue light, health and social care, offices, transport, military, farms, recycling and waste centres, industrial and commercial buildings and other public sector operational buildings and establishments. The works and services will comprise all types of building construction works and associated mechanical, electrical and services works and may include design and other services as required for a develop and construct or design and build works. The provider will be expected to work closely and cooperate with local government and other contracting authorities, in-house and external design consultants, contractors and other partner providers. All contract performance will be monitored using a set of comprehensive performance indicators.The public sector bodies to whom the use of this framework agreement will be open, include without limitation, the following contracting authorities commissioning construction (building) works and services in the geographical areas stated in II.1.2 (and any future successors to these organisations):— Government Departments, agencies and public bodies— Canal and River Trust,— Local Authorities —— Local Authorities —— National Parks Authorities— Educational Establishments across England and Wales maintained by the Department for Education including Academies, Colleges, Free Schools, LA Maintained Schools, Other types, Special Schools, Universities.— Social Enterprises within Culture and Leisure.— Police Forces in the United Kingdom— Fire and Rescue Services (including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)— NHS Bodies including Acute Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Mental Health Trusts, Health and Care Trusts, Ambulance Trusts, Area Teams, Special Health Authorities, Others and NHS property services,— Department of Health Advisory Bodies and Committees— Hospices in UK including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.— Registered Providers of Social Housing Quality Commission, independent regulator of health and social care in England;Care homes, Health Service, Housing Federation— Third Sector and Charities. in England,— Citizens Advice. Companies and other enterprises owned by other bodies other than those listed above but qualifying as Bodies Governed by Public Law for the purposes of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
branża Budowlana - obiekty, Dekarstwo, Drogownictwo, Energoelektryczna, Wodno - kanalizacyjna, Laboratoria, Ekologia, środowisko
podbranża obiekty handlowe, obiekty użyteczności publicznej, budownictwo mieszkaniowe, magazyny, zakłady produkcyjne, pokrycia dachowe, mosty, wiadukty, obszary wodne i hydrotechnika, ekspertyzy, prognozy, usługi laboratoryjne
kody CPV 9330000, 31121000, 45000000, 45100000, 45110000, 45120000, 45200000, 45210000, 45211000, 45212000, 45213000, 45214000, 45215000, 45216000, 45220000, 45230000, 45240000, 45250000, 45260000, 45300000, 45310000, 45320000, 45330000, 45340000, 45350000, 45400000, 45410000, 45420000, 45430000, 45440000, 45450000, 70110000, 70111000, 70112000, 71000000, 71200000, 71300000, 71400000, 71500000, 71600000, 71700000, 71800000, 71900000
forma przetarg ograniczony
typ ogłoszenia usługi, wykonanie
kraj realizacji Wielka Brytania
województwo realizacji
kraj organizatora Wielka Brytania
województwo organizatora

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WYŚWIETL PODOBNE ZAMÓWIENIA Z BRANŻY: obiekty handlowe , obiekty użyteczności publicznej , budownictwo mieszkaniowe , magazyny, zakłady produkcyjne , pokrycia dachowe , mosty, wiadukty , obszary wodne i hydrotechnika , ekspertyzy, prognozy , usługi laboratoryjne

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