Przetarg 4823962 - HCC Jan 2017 — The Provision of a Catering Service at...

Analizuj Zamówienie 4823962
źródło Biuletyn Unijnych Zamówień Publicznych (TED)
data publikacji 2017-01-06
przedmiot ogłoszenia
HCC Jan 2017 — The Provision of a Catering Service at Kings Langley School.
A Catering Service is required for Kings Langley School (hereinafter referred to as the School or Academy).In orde
r to assist with compiling your bid plans of the kitchen layout and equipment have been uploaded with the tender documents.Kings Langley School is based just outside of Hemel Hempstead with easy access from the M25. The school's brand new building opened in September 2016 and ensures that all students and staff have access to the very best facilities and resources available. The school is an inclusive 11-18 academy all ability co-educational school, founded on the Christian values of justice, love and respect to form a firm moral foundation to build upon. The school is a Specialist Arts College and has approximately 1 100 students on roll.Hertfordshire Business Services will be running the tender process but the management of the contract from the award date and thereafter will be carried out by the school.This procurement is an Open (one stage) process. Tenderers wishing to apply are invited to ‘express interest’ which will give access to the full procurement documents in the e-tendering system.Please Note The TUPE Staffing Information for this procurement has been provided along with other documentation for this procurement. TUPE related information must be treated as protected data in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and must be kept confidential. By clicking on the View Details button and accessing the documentation for this procurement, Tenderers agree:a — To undertake to treat the information as confidential and commercially sensitive at all times and take all reasonable steps to prevent any inadvertent disclosure to any third party.b — That under no circumstances will any of the information be disclosed by your organisation or your personnel to any third party without the Council's prior consent in writing.c — That the information supplied will be stored securely and destroyed or returned to the Council, after your Organisation's bid has been submitted or you decide not to proceed with a tender submission.d — That you will indemnify the Council for any losses, arising from your breach or breach by any of your personnel of these confidentiality requirements specified above and data protection requirements in relation to TUPE Staffing Information.e — The requirements above apply whether the supplier uploads a tender response to this procurement or not.
branża Gastronomia, catering
podbranża żywienie zbiorowe
kody CPV 55500000, 55520000, 55524000
forma przetarg nieograniczony
typ ogłoszenia usługi, wykonanie
kraj realizacji Wielka Brytania
województwo realizacji
kraj organizatora Wielka Brytania
województwo organizatora

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