Przetargi i zamówienia - Wodno - kanalizacyjna, konstrukcje inne, Gastronomia, catering - wyniki wyszukiwania

4810295 (brak danych) ΤΑΥ 23/2016 — κατασκευή αποχετευτικού δικτύου στην Ευρύχου, Φλάσου Και Λινού. Κατασκευή αποχετευτικού δικ...

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4811829 (brak danych) Gas för Laborativa miljöer. Ramavtal avseende leverans av gaser i flaska, flaskpaket, kärl och tankar.Avtalet omfattar även dragning av rör och annan installationsuppdrag associerat med...

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4823962 (brak danych) HCC Jan 2017 — The Provision of a Catering Service at Kings Langley School. A Catering Service is required for Kings Langley School (hereinafter referred to as the School or Academy).In or...

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4841360 (brak danych) Supply of Above Ground PVC Pipe and Fittings. Supply of Above Ground PVC Pipe and Fittings. Further Information and associated documents are available on our electronic tendering system at w...

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4847034 (brak danych) Ανάδειξη αναδόχου του έργου της σίτισης των δικαιούμενων φοιτητών του Δημοκρίτειου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκ...

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4852119 (brak danych) Appel à demandes de participation — marché raccordements et maintenance gaz. Marché raccordements et maintenance gaz.

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4858800 (brak danych) Ver II.1.5). Servicio de restauración en la torre norte del Aeropuerto de Madrid Barajas.

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4871936 (brak danych) Procedura aperta per l'affidamento della concessione del servizio di gestione del bar-caffetteria sito all'interno della struttura ospedaliera degli IFO per un periodo di 10 anni. Affidament...

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4877374 (brak danych) Προσφορά για παροχή Άδειας χρήσης καφετέριας του Νέου Νοσοκομείου Λεμεσού, ΕΝ 02/17. Προσφορά για παροχή Ά...

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4877375 (brak danych) Προσφορά για παροχή Άδειας χρήσης καφετέριας του Νέου Νοσοκομείου Λάρνακας, ΕΝ 03/17. Προσφορά για παροχή ...

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4879442 (brak danych) Préparation et distribution de repas dans le cadre d'une alimentation saine et durable pour les établissements scolaires, les pré-gardiennats et les centres récréatifs. Le présent marc...

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4912309 (brak danych) School Catering Services. Providing healthy and good quality catering services at the School.Please note that this tender falls under the regulations of the Light Touch Regime of The Public ...

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4917848 (brak danych) Servizio Bar c/o Anfiteatro Arena e Teatro Filarmonico. Servizio Bar c/o Anf. Arena e Teatro Filarmonico.

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4924536 (brak danych) 201 Krankenhaus Freyung – Bauabschnitt 4 – 201-3035-01 Sanitär BA4. 201 Krankenhaus Freyung – Bauabschnitt 4 – 201-3035-01 Sanitär BA4.

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4925157 (brak danych) Promotierecepties inclusief bediening voor UC Leuven-Limburg en Heilig-Hart Instituut Heverlee. Situering UCLL — UC Leuven-Limburg:Hogeschool UCLL biedt 18 professionele bacheloropleidinge...

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4943064 (brak danych) Reparação e reforço das estruturas de contenção do talude sobranceiro ao Porto de Recreio da Calheta. Reparação e reforço das estruturas de contenção do talude sobranceiro ao Porto...

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4947158 (brak danych) Fornitura di campionatori fissi e portatili, incluse le attività di avviamento e manutenzione programmata presso gli impianti di depurazione gestiti da Amiacque Srl, suddiviso in 4 lotti. F...

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4955279 (brak danych) Obras de «Canal de pluviales para el Puerto de Granadilla (T.M. de Granadilla)». Constituye el objeto del presente contrato la ejecución de un encauzamiento perimetral por el límite Nort...

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4982071 (brak danych) Avviso esplorativo per manifestazione d'interesse per interventi di efficientamento energetico e di processo presso gli impianti di depurazione del gruppo CAP — Progetto nr. 9125_G. Avviso...

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4985250 (brak danych) QUB/1616/17 — Provision of Breakfast Services (Summer Period) for Accommodation Services. Queen's University Belfast provides a bed and breakfast service at its Elms Village Accommodation ...

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4985719 (brak danych) Gestión del servicio de cocina de las residencias y centro de día para gente mayor Lleida-Balàfia I y II. La gestión del servicio de cocina de las residencias y centro de día para gente...

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5005530 (brak danych) Wilhelmsburgkaserne -GBM- Neubau FüInfoSys-Halle, Sanitärarbeiten. 89081 Ulm, Stuttgarter Str. 199, Wilhelmsburgkaserne -GBM- Neubau FüInfoSys-Halle, Sanitärarbeiten.

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5034494 (brak danych) Estación Depuradora de Aguas Residuales, Valle de Güímar (T.M. de Arafo). Fase I. Realización de las obras incluidas en el proyecto técnico denominado «Estación Depuradora de Aguas Re...

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5050799 (brak danych) Gestión y explotación del servicio de bar en las zonas de público del circuito de velocidad de la Ciudad del Motor de Aragón, S.A. Servicio de gestión y explotación del servicio de bar...

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5065287 (brak danych) Travaux d'installations sanitaires et HVAC à exécuter dans le cadre de la construction d'une crèche au 9, rue George C. Marshall à Luxembourg-Bonnevoie. Installation de chauffage:17 radi...

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5078911 (brak danych) Łódzkie Confeção e distribuição de refeições pelo estabelecimentos de ensino do pré-escolar e do 1º ciclo e serviço de refeitório. Confeção e distribuição de refeições pelo estabelec...

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5084441 (brak danych) Ηλεκτρονικός διαγωνισμός ανοικτής διαδικασίας άνω των ορίων ανάδειξης αναδόχου για την σίτιση των φοι...

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5095430 (brak danych) Scape Regional Construction Framework. Scape wishes to establish a framework agreement for use by or on behalf of public sector bodies (and their respective statutory successors and organisa...

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5099190 (brak danych) WSCC — SC — Highways Term Maintenance Contract. The following Services are to be delivered through the contract:1 Reactive Response.2 Winter Service.3 Drainage Cleansing.4 Routine Mainte...

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5120643 (brak danych) Catering Services. Providing healthy and good quality catering services at Wickersley Partnership Trust's current seven primary schools and 1 of its secondary schools, with the potential to ...

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